Please, Pinterest Responsibly
Need I say more? The word alone causes my heart to flutter. So many ideas. So
many things I want to do or make. Good things. Things for my family. Things for me. Gift ideas. I’m struck with
Pinterest-fever. I love Pinterest. It feels like my calling in life. Soul food.
But Pinterest
is bad for me, in a way. The problem is not actually Pinterest. The problem is
me. I have difficulty staying on Pinterest longer than I should. I have trouble
getting caught up in ideas. Things to make… bake…craft… cook… decorate… do….ideas…ideas…ideas.
Ahhhh! My mind and time become consumed with all the ideas I want to pursue.
When my mind
is consumed with other things, there is no room for thoughts of God. No time to
meditate on His word. And truth be told, the more I allow my mind and heart to
be satisfied with Pins, the less I desire God’s word in my life. When my soul
feeds on the deliciousness of each Pin, my hunger for God seems to sink into
the shadows.
As a child
of God, my mind should be first consumed with following Christ rather than the
latest and greatest boards on Pinterest. My soul should seek to delight in God.
My mind should first look for ways He wants me to serve my husband and family
each day rather than focusing on what new idea I can find. I should be using my
time to build my faith and my home instead of building my Boards.
Ideas come
and go, no matter how awesome they are. But the word of God stands forever. It
has life giving power, truth and living water. It shows me how to live a godly
life. I need to start there, in scripture and prayer each day and save my
Pinterest-ing for the extra moments that may or may not come available.
Every time I
Pinterest I loose all track of time and end up wasting time or neglecting
things I am supposed to do. Before I know it, the day is gone and I have not
accomplished much around my home. You too?
We need a
“Pinterest Responsibly” campaign to remind us of our real calling in life.
Without a clear view and reminders of our calling as wives and moms, we are likely to become
women with much awesomeness on our Pin Boards but ineffective in our homes and
5 Ways To Pinterest Responsibly
1. Allow
yourself no Pinterest-ing until you have read your bible and prayed each day.
2. Set a
timer before you sit down to Pinterest. Don’t let it eat up your day.
3. Have a
board full of home organization tips? Gift ideas? Workouts? Cleaning tips? Implement one each week. (Give yourself a
deadline, no Pinterest-ing until it is done.)
4. Choose 3
daily chores you love to avoid. Pinterest-ing is your sweet reward for work
well done.
5. Create a
board of Bible study and faith walk tips. Choose one and follow it through.
When you’re through it, choose another and do it again.
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