Welcome back! This week we're finishing our Women Living Well book club. We read chapters 19-20 & the conclusion. These 3 chapters inspired a bit of spring fever in me to tackle some dark corners of my house. But it seems there are so many reasons why I avoid doing this! I hope this inspires you to join me in a bit of fresh spring cleaning around your house!
5 Obstacles
to a Clean Home and How to Overcome Them
housewife had long hard days. She didn’t throw her laundry in the machine, set
it to large load and go on with other chores. She didn’t throw the clothing
into the dryer on permanent press cycle. She didn’t load the dishwasher after
dinner. No, house work used to be a full contact sport and we, my friends, have
it easy now.
But we tend
to whine when the floors need vacuumed. Or feel like a martyr when no one has
clean clothes left and we are forced to do the laundry. We put off doing dishes
until they have taken over the kitchen, and we wait as long as possible to
clean the bathroom – if we ever get to it!
Why do we do
this? We are blessed women. We have so many things that make house work easier.
Yet we still try to avoid it. I’m not saying a house needs to be kept spotless,
that is not a reality. But I do think it is our job to keep it neat and clean. Make
it a place that is nice and comfortable to live in. Make it a home.
How do you
care for your home? Do you clean a bit every day or let it build up until your
family is leaving you notes in the dust? Do you keep up with the laundry or
avoid it until there is no clean underwear in the house? Do you clean with a
thankful heart or grumble and complain each time?
It often
seems like I don’t have time to keep up with house chores. I do believe some
women have packed their lives way too full and this possibly is true. But, for
the rest of us, I think this is merely an excuse. Let’s be honest. We have time
to Pinterest. Time to Facebook. Time to watch Downtown Abbey. I’m guilty right
here with you, dear. I have time, you have time. Yes, we do indeed have time;
we just choose to use it in other ways.
What is our
problem? Why don’t we just do the work that needs to be done? It’s not a good
feeling having chores hanging over our heads, knowing that they are getting
bigger each day while we ignore them. We really do want a neat home. We do
enjoy a clean kitchen without dirty dishes piled high. We like the feeling of
all the laundry done and put away. And showering in a clean shower – so much
more relaxing than lathering up in a grimy one! So why don’t we just do it?
5 Obstacles to A Clean Home & How to
Overcome Them
1. Time. You may not have an hour or two to clean up
the house, neither do I. I have minutes
in my day, but I don’t have an extra hour or more to give up. So I have to use the time I do have. Have 10
minutes before going to work? Tackle the dishes in the sink. 15 min before an
appointment? Empty the dishwasher. Or throw a load in the washer. Or fold a
load of clothes. Set your alarm 10 minutes earlier than normal each morning. Then
use those 10 min to clean the toilet, sink and mirror. There are many tasks
that take only minutes. Using your minutes gets the task be done and off the
list for today! Ta-Da! What a good feeling!
2. Schedule. Without a schedule, things can get pretty
cruddy before I even notice and then the chore requires a lot of elbow grease
to come clean. I don’t like to use elbow grease. I’m a wimp. And I don’t want
to chisel away at the soap scum in the shower for 45 minutes. I want to be done
in 10, so I clean my shower and tub every Friday night before I hop out of the
shower. It takes me less than 10 minutes, its easy to clean because nothing has
built up and my shower always looks clean. I don’t loathe cleaning the shower
anymore. Creating a schedule for your home will help you stay ahead of
housework and get it done while it is still in the easy-to-handle phase. There
are many books and blogs out there that have excellent ideas. When I was 12, I
read “Sidetracked Home Executives” and put my sister-in-law’s house on a card
file schedule for cleaning. I learned so much from that book and how daily
maintenance can keep chores from piling up, which makes less work. Work smart,
not hard. Oh, ya!
3. Organization. An unorganized and
over-stuffed house can leave me feeling overwhelmed. I don’t even know where to start and it is easier to close the
door and walk away. “Everything in its place” is a good rule of thumb to keep
your house clutter free. But first everything needs a place. Clean out your
overstuffed closets, crooks and crannies. (A project that looms ahead of me
this year.) Create a place for each item. Get rid of the things you don’t have
room for or you no longer need. If this idea has you breaking out in hives, hire
someone to come in or enlist a friend to help. You can do it- start with one
step at a time and keep going.
4. Priorities. Truth be told, many times
we just put many other things above caring for our home. Our homes should be a
priority. Not the priority, but a priority. There are lots of
other things you do each day that are more important, but don’t forget to put
your home in there with your priorities.
I have to write “vacuum” or “bathrooms” on my to-do list or those tasks
get lost in the sea of other things that need my attention. A perfect, spotless
home is not the goal, but a neat clean one is. It won’t stay that way with a
family living in it, but by using your little bits of time – 10 minutes here,
15 minutes there, 5 minutes or so- you will be able to keep up on the mess.
5. Family. Our families can make it
difficult to keep a home neat. Mud tracked in… school papers on the counter…coats
on the couch…dirty dishes left on the coffee table… Enlist their help in your
goal to have a neat home. Teaching your kids to be neat is a good character
quality that will help them long into adulthood. Have a total toy pick up
before lunch, supper and bed. Teach them to put things away. Teach them to help
with household chores and the importance of caring for their home. A 4 year old
can match socks out of the dryer and put them on the beds in the right rooms. A
2 year old can put the silverware from the dishwasher into the drawer. A 6 year
old can wash bathroom counters and sweep the floor. Look for ways to involve
your kids. They will acquire valuable skills and develop a work ethic they will
use the rest of their lives.
With spring
approaching (It is going to show up,
isn’t it?) and the newness to life brings, now is a good time to give your home
a makeover to match that fresh spring air.
What tips and tricks do you use to help you stay on track with your
home? I’d love to hear your ideas – leave a comment!
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