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Showing posts from March, 2014

Happiness Is... Another Grandie

I did not post last week. It was one of those weeks. You know the kind where you finally get to sit down to catch your breath and notice there are 423 messages in your inbox? Where did the week go? Busier more than normal. But amidst the hustle and bustle of an overloaded week, came an overwhelming joy. One with two tiny feet and an adorable little face that made this Grandma's heart melt. With a happy heart full of giddiness, I would like to introduce you to: Little Miss Emma Jane God has blessed us with another Grandie! Yippee Skippee! Another girl! The let the Tea Parties   begin! So Blessed! Before you were born I knew I loved you. I prayed for you too, before you were born. And when you were born, One look at your little face and I knew you were a blessed child. I love you, Grandpa loves you too. Your Daddy loves you, your mommy loves you. And most of all… God loves you! Some might call you lucky, But I call you blessed… ...

Please, Pinterest Responsibly

Please, Pinterest Responsibly Pinterest. Need I say more? The word alone causes my heart to flutter. So many ideas. So many things I want to do or make. Good things. Things for my family.   Things for me. Gift ideas. I’m struck with Pinterest-fever. I love Pinterest. It feels like my calling in life. Soul food. But Pinterest is bad for me, in a way. The problem is not actually Pinterest. The problem is me. I have difficulty staying on Pinterest longer than I should. I have trouble getting caught up in ideas. Things to make… bake…craft… cook… decorate… do….ideas…ideas…ideas. Ahhhh! My mind and time become consumed with all the ideas I want to pursue. When my mind is consumed with other things, there is no room for thoughts of God. No time to meditate on His word. And truth be told, the more I allow my mind and heart to be satisfied with Pins, the less I desire God’s word in my life. When my soul feeds on the deliciousness of each Pin, my hunger for God seems to ...

5 Obstacles to a Clean Home & How to Overcome Them

Welcome back! This week we're finishing our Women Living Well book club. We read chapters  19-20 & the conclusion. These 3 chapters inspired a bit of spring fever in me to tackle some dark corners of my house. But it seems there are so many reasons why I avoid doing this!  I hope this inspires you to join me in a bit of fresh spring cleaning around your house! 5 Obstacles to a Clean Home and How to Overcome Them 1950’s housewife had long hard days. She didn’t throw her laundry in the machine, set it to large load and go on with other chores. She didn’t throw the clothing into the dryer on permanent press cycle. She didn’t load the dishwasher after dinner. No, house work used to be a full contact sport and we, my friends, have it easy now. But we tend to whine when the floors need vacuumed. Or feel like a martyr when no one has clean clothes left and we are forced to do the laundry. We put off doing dishes until they have taken over the kitchen,...

Making Your Home A Haven

Welcome back! We are almost finished with our book club. We have been reading Women Living Well by Courtney Joseph. This week we read 3 great chapters (16-18) on homemaking, but for lack of time I am just going to key on the one topic that is near and dear to my heart. Making your home a haven. One of the most important aspects of your role as wife & mom is the responsibility to set the atmosphere in your home. Making your home a special place for your family. A place they love to be. What makes your home a haven? The answer to that question will be different from mine. No two families are exactly the same. And it may change with different seasons and stages of your family life. When our boys were little, making our home a haven meant allowing it to be a place where they could kick a soccer ball, wrestle with their dad, run and even ride small tricycles (yes- in the house!). I kept breakables packed away, décor to a minimum, and understood it was a time in our...