I’m reading the book “Women Living Well” by Courtney Joseph. The book is biblically solid and a good read for every Christian woman. Good news for moms of young children …it is a short book so you will be able to get through it before its time to plan any graduation open houses.
The first three chapters offer guidance and reminders to ignore the voices that steer you away from being a Godly wife and mom, build a daily time with God.
I cannot emphasize how important it is to ignore those voices. Voices that constantly tell you who you should be send what you should do. Voices that say you need a “real” career…that you don’t have time for bible study…that you need to be yourself at the expense of allowing Christ to live through you.
Courtney tells of her appearance on The Rachel Ray Show. “How exciting!” I thought. But after reading the story, not so exciting, actually it is rather discouraging. (you can read her story in chapter one). Her walk with the King was edited right out of her story! They portrayed her as a woman who chooses to stay at home with her children and care for her husband and home. End of story.
But there is so much more to biblical homemaking than that. Thankfully, in real life, no one gets to edit your walk with the King out of your story. You can ignore the voices that desire to do so. The voices are loud…persistent…and sometimes seem to make sense.
But the real story behind a Godly woman is that she tunes out the voices and pursues time with God. She spends time with Him. Studying His word and praying. By slowing down on a regular basis to listen to your Father, you can silence the voices and listen to the One voice that can satisfy.
I am so thankful to have a mom that modeled this for me. I have vivid memories of seeing her sitting in her chair in the living room, a cup of hot tea in her hand and her bible on her lap. I would sneak around the corner and just watch her. It made an impression on me that has lasted years.
It wasn’t until I was an adult, far from home with a small child and a marriage that was less than perfect that I turned to God each morning. I desperately needed comfort and guidance. It became my lifeline each day. I was only able to squeeze in a few minutes some mornings. When I heard little feet pattering into the room, I would set my bible aside, take my little one onto my lap and read to him from his bible and pray with him. Disappointed that my own quiet time wasn’t longer, I chose to be thankful for the privilege to share a quiet time with my son.
Now that my kids are grown, my studying now has a new depth and longer time. God is not so concerned with how long you study or how deep you go, but that you seek Him on a regular basis. Stop the noise of life and listen.
Whatever season of life you are in, the most important thing you can do for yourself and your family is spend time with God. It’s a new year, a fresh start. Now is a great time to begin a regular time with God or take your quiet time up a notch.
Helping women live their faith is my passion and that is
what this book is all about. Join the book club and read it with me! You can
get the book here. It’s a great
way to start off the year!
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