I have been very distracted the past 4 months, to say the least. In that time span, I packed in a trip to
Montana (my Knight went bear hunting and I played with the grandbaby),
remodeled our basement (with our own bare hands plus a few manly power tools),
got my creative juices going and had a booth at not one but two craft shows,
worked a lot of extra hours at work, shopped for Christmas gifts, and planned a
wedding. Whew!
In with all that, I got back to blogging a bit and wrote
some simple posts on being thankful. Thankfilled Thursdays. Except that I
completely forgot to post the last two… I even had them written, so I don’t
even have a good excuse. Other than being busy, but you are busy, too and you
manage to get things done…. So, without further ado, here are the last two
Thankfilled posts I neglected to give you.A City Prepared For Me
I am thankful that there is a city being prepared for
me. Hebrews chapter 11, the Faith Hall
of Fame, tells us those faith warriors were longing for a better country. They
knew they were foreigners here, and this wasn’t their home, not where they had
to fit in. They were looking forward to a heavenly country. A better country.
Home. That’s how they lived with such faith.
I’m looking forward to home. To a better place. To
heaven. I can only imagine what it will
be like…..
Thanksgiving Day. A national holiday. A day when we are
supposed to be thankful. But shouldn’t we be thankful every day of the year?
Not just one day? We shouldn’t need a holiday to remind us to be thankful.
Thankful should be part of who we are. A way of looking at life. Everyday.
If you’re like me, we get out of the habit. We grumble and
complain. And Thanksgiving Day reminds us to change our focus. Reminds us that
we really do have so much to be thankful for. I am thankful for a holiday that
reminds me to have an attitude of thanks. To be grateful. I want to carry that attitude into the new
year and beyond. Maybe I need a monthly Day of Thanksgiving to keep my heart
geared towards gratefulness…..definitely something to consider…..
I guess, after all, it is a perfect way to bring in the new year, being thankful. May we carry that attitude all through the next 364 days. Happy New {Thankful} Year!
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