A couple of years ago, I posted a series on 25 Days of Praise. It was so good for my heart to focus on being thankful and praising God! And it's time to focus on being grateful again.
So, now through Thanksgiving, each Thursday I will post something I
am thankful for. Wouldn’t it be fun if we could fill the comments with things
you are thankful for as well? It would be like a virtual party of praise! So,
here goes…
Today I am thankful for…
Fall weather. New seasons bring change and freshness,
reminding me that God does the same in my heart. Along with my coffee each morning, He
brings fresh mercy into my life. His grace is not based on what I have done, but on Who He is and what He has done.
Today as you enjoy the cooler weather and fresh air, stop to
thank Him for it and His mercy as well!
What are you thankful for? Let me know in the comments!
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