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Showing posts from September, 2013

Thank-filled Thursdays: Week 3

We have spent the last week with our 2 boys, their wives and daughters. (So wish our daughter and her fiancĂ© could have joined us – but college schedules made it impossible.)   What an enjoyable time! Hiking, bear hunting (the guys, not me) and just having fun together. And of course, the highlight, was watching the little grandies play together. As I watch my kids, I am overwhelmed with thanksgiving to see that they walk in truth. (3 John 1:4). They aren’t perfect and I don’t want to ever make them feel they need to be, they need God’s grace just like you and I. But I see hearts that want to follow His way. Hearts that want to raise kids that love God.   To have marriages that reflect God’s love.   And willing to serve.   My heart is proud of them, and thankful to God for His grace in our family. So, it’s your turn: What are you thankful for today?

Thank-filled Thursdays Week 2

This has been such a busy, busy week, I am ashamed to say that I sat at my computer for a little while trying to think of something I am thankful for today.   It’s not that I don’t have anything to be thankful for, or that my heart has been in a grumbly mood. I just have not stepped off the merry-go-round of life to take a moment to focus on being grateful. My mind has been immersed in my to-do list. Craft show preparations… wedding plans… packing for a trip to Montana… preparing Sunday School lessons…canning…and writing. We do this, don’t we. We get all caught up in life and forget to stop and say thanks. It sounds so ridiculous as I write this, giving thanks to my Creator is so much more important than anything on my to-do list. It’s healthy for my heart, too.   The tyranny of the urgent shadows the true need of my heart if I am not careful.   Maybe you fall into that, too. Stop today and tell God something you are thankful for. Today I am thankful for: Peace in...

Regret vs. Rejuvinate

Tv shows   like “Flea Market Flip” flash across the screen… “Mom” Blogs thriving on the internet… Craft how-to videos on You Tube … Etsy, full of all sorts of creative things people have made… Books- authors achieving what I dreamed of, and with subjects I can write about! I wish I had done these things…. The things I knew God has gifted me to do and always wanted to do but for one reason or another, couldn’t or didn’t…. I can sit and shake my head, let my heart sink and die a little each time I feel the twinge of “I wish I had…..” OR I can take steps toward achieving at least one of my goals. But that requires I stop the regret and rejuvenate those goals. Put some proactive movements in place. I love quotes and I recently came across a good one by Mark Twain “The secret to getting ahead is getting started.” Getting started. Instead of just watching the you tube clips, get in my craft room and make something. Then, instead of just making it, get it on etsy or to a local ...

Thank Filled Thursdays

A couple of years ago, I posted a series on  25 Days of Praise . It was so good for my heart to focus on being thankful and praising God! And it's time to focus on being grateful again. So, now through Thanksgiving, each Thursday I will post something I am thankful for. Wouldn’t it be fun if we could fill the comments with things you are thankful for as well? It would be like a virtual party of praise! So, here goes… Today I am thankful for… Fall weather. New seasons bring change and freshness, reminding me that God does the same in my heart. Along with my coffee each morning, He brings fresh mercy into my life.  His grace is not based on what I have done, but on Who He is and what He has done. Today as you enjoy the cooler weather and fresh air, stop to thank Him for it and His mercy as well! What are you thankful for? Let me know in the comments!