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Showing posts from July, 2014

4 Things Every Mama Needs To Do

  Eight and a half months pregnant with our first baby, I moved 1000 miles away and in with family friends so I could be closer to my Knight while he would be in training for a few months in DC.   After being there just 2 days, I went into labor- 2 weeks early- while my Knight was still in Texas, waiting to board an airplane to join me. And so, long story short, I had our first born son without him. I remember holding that precious little one afterwards.   There are no words to express the emotions that surge through a new mom.   Wonder. Love. Exhaustion. Love. Love. And even more Love. And awe. Then it hit me. This little guy was solely dependent on us! The heavy thought settled in.   What are we doing? What were we thinking? We don’t know what we’re doing! We are responsible for this child 24 hours a day – we can’t drop him off with his parents – we ARE his parents!   Do we even know enough to keep him alive? I had taken care of my 21 nieces a...

You Don't Have Time To Not Have Time

  “I wish my kids were older so we could do more things together.” “I wish I had more time to spend with my kids.” “If my kids weren’t so busy, we could do more things together.” Ever feel this way? These are deceptive concepts. The truth is, you don’t have to wait until your kids are older to do things together. You do have time to spend with them. And you control your kids’ schedules, so if they are too busy, cut some activities out. You only have about 18 years with each of your children. You simply don’t have time to wait. They will be grown and out the door while you are still wishing they were old enough to do things with. You can start involving your children in daily family life at a very young age. When they are 1, they can help put away silverware after washing. Yes, it will take longer as you guide their little hands in putting away each piece. One. At. A . Time. And, yes, that silverware will end up with tiny little fin...

A Battle Worth Fighting

     photo courtesy of creativedoxphoto /  July 4th. Oh, the fun memories attached to this holiday! Sparklers…watermelon…parades…swimming… We celebrate our freedom in many ways with family and friends. But our freedom was not won easily. Many lives were lost. Families were left mourning loved ones. It was a battle worth fighting, but it came with costs. Costs I’m thankful many were willing to pay.      As Mamas, we fight a battle too. The battle for our children’s souls. The battle for our children’s freedom from the enemy’s control. It rages around us every day. This battle comes with costs. Floors left unswept…homes not decorated for each season… saying no to this committee and that opportunity…no time for yourself…. And you know in your heart, it’s worth it all.      As you celebrate this weekend, celebrate the freedom we have in this great country because some were willing to fight for it...