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Showing posts from May, 2014

Conference Prep

Just one month and its off to Speak Up I go! I am so excited to be attending my very first writer’s conference! *squeal!* So, first things first. What to wear. Every girl knows that is the first obstacle to overcome. I decided on a maxi dress and little jacket, trouser jeans and a nice flowy top, a maxi skirt and awesome Aztec top. There. Decided. Doesn’t that feel good, like a weight lifted off? You see, we are downsizing and moving into a smaller house. A fixer-upper. And we are fixing it up as we go. While we move into it. Can you say messy? So packing my suitcase early is essential. What if my clothes are packed and stored and I can’t get to them? Yikes! Who knows what I would have to wear to the conference! So, my daughter suggested I pack early and stash my luggage at her house for safe keeping so I know right where to find it when it is time for my road trip. Good idea. One item off the check list and on to the next. Preparing my one-sheet. A.K.A. the sheet I...

Downsizing, Dave & Digging In

Ever feel like your life is a whirlwind? Like the merry-go-round just won’t stop to let you catch your breath? Me too. We are on a mission lately and I haven’t spent my regular time in the word. Or in prayer. Or writing. And my soul feels it. And so, now at 4:30 am, I am up to stop the cycle. When life just won’t give you the time to do the important things, get up earlier. Right? Right. So what is the mission we are on lately, you ask? We are downsizing to a smaller house. And a smaller mortgage. Much smaller. We purchased a home in March with the intention of giving it some much needed TLC and then renting it out. Good plan. Then Dave started talking.   (Not audibly to us. In our heads.) He brought up the whole subject, so I am calling the “new” house Dave’s House. If you don’t know Dave , I highly recommend you check out his website, radio show and books. But I must warn you. He is likely to disrupt the comfortable parts of your world. For a while. And that’s ok ...