Hey! I'm glad you're here joining us for another week of the Women Living Well book club! Chapter 14 I’m Gonna Blow My Top! I love the quote this chapter starts off with. “ The secret of healthy conflict resolution isn’t taking a you-against-me stance, but realizing it’s all of us against Satan- he’s the real enemy.” Lysa Terkurest Ever been there? Your frustration gets the best of you and you find yourself yelling at your children. Again. We’ve all been there. It’s easy to lose our temper with our children at times. Frustration is a daily emotion we moms have to battle. Why won’t they listen?.... I just want some peace around here! …We’re running late, and you lost your shoes again?! ….Why do you always have to fight with each other? We feel the weight of running a home, caring for kids, balancing the checkbook and cooking, cleaning, laundering- all part of an unending l...
In Hot Pursuit of More & Less.... More of Him.... Less of Me.