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Showing posts from 2014

I Want To See Your Splendor

The alarm woke me at 5:45 and pulled me back into my somewhat normal routine after almost 2 weeks of busy-wonderful Christmas break. The verse highlighted in bright pink caught my attention as I thumbed through the pages of my bible. Psalm 90.6 (NIV) May Your deeds be shown to Your servants, Your splendor to their children.     “ I want to see Your splendor. Lord, show me your splendor today.” I declared right there in my kitchen, while it was still dark outside and the day had not yet began for many. Only then I made breakfast, had another cup of coffee, made my bed, packed my lunch, threw some laundry in and went to work. I went on with my very ordinary day and forgot all about it. I forgot to look for His splendor. I was too engrossed in my day to watch for Him to show up. It wasn’t until the next morning that I even gave it another thought. I really do want to see His splendor. I want to see it right in the midst of my oh-so...

The Deisres Of My Heart

Whew! October…what a crazy month! It’s always a crazy month for me, requiring extra hours at work. Add to that having just moved to a new home and starting a children’s clothing shop with my girls… and this year October felt like a marathon! Not that I really know what a marathon feels like. Since I absolutely do not run. At all. But I can only imagine …. It feels good to have that crazy month over and turn a new page on the calendar. In my bible studying lately, I have become mesmerized by the Exodus. And the Wilderness. The Israelites were in bondage for 400 years. That’s a long time. Hard work that only got harder. Slavery that only got more oppressive. And then, in one evening, they were free. Free! What must that have felt like? No more harsh foremen. No more beatings. No more gathering straw. No more making bricks. Free. Take a deep breath…. Ahhh! That’s the smell of freedom. But like a new car, freedom doesn’t keep that new smell for long. They missed the good old...

3 Reasons Nursery Workers Rock

After being out of town for 2 Sundays in a row, I was looking forward to being back home in “my” church with my church family again. Then I noticed the nursery schedule .   It was my turn.   After I had just taught Sunday school. I fought the whine welling up inside. I had missed the fellowship and theological discussions in our adult class and now I would miss the message again... for the 3rd week in a row. Grabbing my things, I headed back to the bright nursery room to do the job required of me. As I began to talk with the toddlers and preschoolers, I was reminded in my heart that nursery work is important work . These are little souls who need cared for while their parents are fed from the Word. Nursery time isn’t just about keeping kids corralled; it is the first phase of ministry .   The time spent with those little ones builds relationships that bring godly influence into their lives. Once I changed my attitude, I actually enjoyed my time with th...

Move Your Faith From Private To Public

Have you ever wondered about the Bleeding Woman in Mark chapter 5? While we are on the subject, I seriously think we should consider giving her a name, that’s not something anyone wants to be known as. Maybe we should call her the Woman of Faith... But back to the subject. Or maybe it is part of the subject now that I think about it. I’ll get to that in a bit. Instead of receiving healing and going on her merry way as I often do, she moved to a position of worship in front of Jesus. Her faith compelled her to go to Jesus for healing and her faith also compelled her to worship Him publically. I don’t mind God knowing about all my junk, but I don’t necessarily like anyone else to know. Are you with me? I tend to want to only show the good and keep the bad and ugly hidden away. Keep it just between God and I. To move in front of Jesus and publically worship for healing meant others would know her problems and that she needed healing. She opened herself up...

Are You Listening to God?

Grab a cup of coffee; I have a story for will think it's funny, however, it took me some time before I laughed.   I do believe this is my best "blonder than she pays to be" moment yet to date, to put it in Beth Moore terms.     I was scheduled for a class in Sioux Falls and my husband gave up precious hunting time to accompany me. We drove the 5 ½ hour trek; we left home around 3pm and arrived about 8:30pm.   That always seems like such a long ride, and we were glad when we finally reached our destination.     There was a bit of confusion on the face of the hotel clerk as he searched for our reservation.   His reply stopped my heart, “Your reservations are for NEXT SUNDAY”..... I dug in my my horror, the conference registration confirmed his words.      My husband tried to comprehend our predicament “So, we just drove 300 miles for nothing?"    My reply was a disbelieving nod; how could I have m...

Back To School With A Bang

The air is cooler in the mornings now. Can you feel it?   Fall is approaching. It’s in the air. And it’s bittersweet. I love the cool freshness of fall, but I hate to see school start and the busyness of life begin again. Where did the lazy days of summer go? It’s been a full summer.   Filled with to-do’s and projects and trips and packed with lots of fun and sun as the days flew by.   As summer turns to fall may we not let the busy life eat up our days and good intentions.   What are your goals for this school year?   What do you want your kids to learn? How do you want them to grow? I’m not talking math or phonics.   I’m talking character. Character is built in the midst of solving story problems and learning spelling words. It is grown while we carpool or homeschool. What is your purpose for this school year? What goals will encompass the day in day out routine of your Monday through Friday?   The time will go quickly, and m...

Mamas Under The Influence

Summer, wonderful summer – when the kids are home all day, swimming, bike riding, and outdoor play fill the days. It’s the middle of summer and what better time to share a few laughs with other mamas! These days are full and also a bit exhausting… which is usually when my list grows. My list of Mama stories. We could compile a ginormous list of stories, us Mamas.   We each have our own stack and laugh together as we swap our latest … while husbands just shake their heads in amazement at the things we do under the influence of “Mommy Brain”. Like leaving the stroller in the road after forgetting to load it into the van - and then driving away….putting the milk away in the cabinet and the cereal in the fridge…stocking up at a meat sale and forgetting it all in the trunk – all day – in August…or paying for your groceries and not realizing until 4 hours later you never brought them home. Those just are a few of mine, I’d love to hear your stories! S o take some time, ...

Is There Anything Sweeter?

Call me Grandma …again! {squeal!} We welcomed Little Miss Allison Grace into this world just 2 weeks ago. That makes 4 granddaughters! (you can read about the others here , here and here .)  Let the tea parties begin! (And she already has her pinky ready!) Is there anything sweeter than a newborn baby? So cuddly. So new. So precious! Her whole life is ahead of her. And   I wonder what her personality will be like. I wonder if she will be adventurous or cautious? Boisterous or quiet?   Silly or serious? I wonder what God has planned for this little life that I hold in my arms. What does the Father want for her? What does He have for her to do? What has he designed her for? I pray she will love Him with all her heart. I pray she will reflect His love to others. That is your prayer for your little ones, I know. The days of Mamahood are filled with many tasks. I know you are tired. And busy.   Diapers, dishes, dusting, all are important a...

4 Things Every Mama Needs To Do

  Eight and a half months pregnant with our first baby, I moved 1000 miles away and in with family friends so I could be closer to my Knight while he would be in training for a few months in DC.   After being there just 2 days, I went into labor- 2 weeks early- while my Knight was still in Texas, waiting to board an airplane to join me. And so, long story short, I had our first born son without him. I remember holding that precious little one afterwards.   There are no words to express the emotions that surge through a new mom.   Wonder. Love. Exhaustion. Love. Love. And even more Love. And awe. Then it hit me. This little guy was solely dependent on us! The heavy thought settled in.   What are we doing? What were we thinking? We don’t know what we’re doing! We are responsible for this child 24 hours a day – we can’t drop him off with his parents – we ARE his parents!   Do we even know enough to keep him alive? I had taken care of my 21 nieces a...

You Don't Have Time To Not Have Time

  “I wish my kids were older so we could do more things together.” “I wish I had more time to spend with my kids.” “If my kids weren’t so busy, we could do more things together.” Ever feel this way? These are deceptive concepts. The truth is, you don’t have to wait until your kids are older to do things together. You do have time to spend with them. And you control your kids’ schedules, so if they are too busy, cut some activities out. You only have about 18 years with each of your children. You simply don’t have time to wait. They will be grown and out the door while you are still wishing they were old enough to do things with. You can start involving your children in daily family life at a very young age. When they are 1, they can help put away silverware after washing. Yes, it will take longer as you guide their little hands in putting away each piece. One. At. A . Time. And, yes, that silverware will end up with tiny little fin...

A Battle Worth Fighting

     photo courtesy of creativedoxphoto /  July 4th. Oh, the fun memories attached to this holiday! Sparklers…watermelon…parades…swimming… We celebrate our freedom in many ways with family and friends. But our freedom was not won easily. Many lives were lost. Families were left mourning loved ones. It was a battle worth fighting, but it came with costs. Costs I’m thankful many were willing to pay.      As Mamas, we fight a battle too. The battle for our children’s souls. The battle for our children’s freedom from the enemy’s control. It rages around us every day. This battle comes with costs. Floors left unswept…homes not decorated for each season… saying no to this committee and that opportunity…no time for yourself…. And you know in your heart, it’s worth it all.      As you celebrate this weekend, celebrate the freedom we have in this great country because some were willing to fight for it...

Because Mamas Need Hope

I’ve got exciting news! Much like my opening post for this blog it is with nervous anticipation that I announce to you… My first book is in the works!  This has been a dream for me since I can remember and now the time is right.   I want this book to be an encouragement to young moms. Because being a mama is work! Hard work.! And it is easy to get frustrated with our husbands… our kids…our homes… and our lives. We often feel drained, discontent, distracted and as if we are drowning in a   never ending list of to-do’s. We need hope! Hope found in a vision to see the importance of our role.   The value of our mama footprint on the hearts of our children is often overlooked in the hustle and bustle of daily life. We have approximately an 18 year window to influence and shape our children. And our Enemy knows he has those same 18 years as well.   As Christian moms, these years are a call to action. A call to do more. More than just get through the day....

Conference Prep

Just one month and its off to Speak Up I go! I am so excited to be attending my very first writer’s conference! *squeal!* So, first things first. What to wear. Every girl knows that is the first obstacle to overcome. I decided on a maxi dress and little jacket, trouser jeans and a nice flowy top, a maxi skirt and awesome Aztec top. There. Decided. Doesn’t that feel good, like a weight lifted off? You see, we are downsizing and moving into a smaller house. A fixer-upper. And we are fixing it up as we go. While we move into it. Can you say messy? So packing my suitcase early is essential. What if my clothes are packed and stored and I can’t get to them? Yikes! Who knows what I would have to wear to the conference! So, my daughter suggested I pack early and stash my luggage at her house for safe keeping so I know right where to find it when it is time for my road trip. Good idea. One item off the check list and on to the next. Preparing my one-sheet. A.K.A. the sheet I...

Downsizing, Dave & Digging In

Ever feel like your life is a whirlwind? Like the merry-go-round just won’t stop to let you catch your breath? Me too. We are on a mission lately and I haven’t spent my regular time in the word. Or in prayer. Or writing. And my soul feels it. And so, now at 4:30 am, I am up to stop the cycle. When life just won’t give you the time to do the important things, get up earlier. Right? Right. So what is the mission we are on lately, you ask? We are downsizing to a smaller house. And a smaller mortgage. Much smaller. We purchased a home in March with the intention of giving it some much needed TLC and then renting it out. Good plan. Then Dave started talking.   (Not audibly to us. In our heads.) He brought up the whole subject, so I am calling the “new” house Dave’s House. If you don’t know Dave , I highly recommend you check out his website, radio show and books. But I must warn you. He is likely to disrupt the comfortable parts of your world. For a while. And that’s ok ...