Today I am thankful that God crashes my parties. Ever have one of those parties? It just feels so right. So deserved. Like you have the right to feel this way. Ya, me too. I’m with you, Girl. Some days I’m a real “party-girl” if you know what I mean. “Poor me, I never get what I want…. Things never go well for me…. I’m just not appreciated….” When I carried my little party to church with me one day, my Father intervened and reigned on my parade. It was a good thing, too or I don’t know how long I would have partied like that. The music began. It was a song I am well familiar with. One of my favorites. And I joined in the singing, but couldn’t get many words out before my heart became convicted. Busted. My party had been crashed. Time for a change of attitude in my heart. Blessed be Your name when the sun shines down on me, When the world is all as it should be Blessed be Your name. Blessed be Your name In the land that is plentiful Where your...
In Hot Pursuit of More & Less.... More of Him.... Less of Me.