Howdy! So glad to see you joined me for the recap of week 2 of our Bible Study on James! It’s so good to have you here! Brrr! It’s cold outside, its currently -13 as I write this (wind chill is -49), does that even qualify as cold, or is it more like frozen? Anyway, grab something warm to drink and let’s get started. Most of us are familiar with this passage in James 1:19-27. Be quick to listen…Be slow to speak…Be slow to become angry…Get rid of all moral filth…Get rid of all the evil so prevalent among you…Humbly accept the word planted in you (this can save you)…Do not just listen to the word…Do what it says…Look intently into the perfect law…Don’t forget what it says…Keep a tight rein on your tongue…Look after orphans and widows… Such good and needed instruction packed neatly into one little passage. It’s like a power packed vitamin for the believer’s soul. Wait a minute! Remember who James is talking to? The scattered Christians. They left homes and fami...
In Hot Pursuit of More & Less.... More of Him.... Less of Me.