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Showing posts from August, 2012

On Being a Grandma

I would like to introduce you to Little Miss Hailey Ann. Don't you think she is just adorable? I sure do! This little precious one is my first grandchild and I am so looking forward to having a part in her life.   All the thoughts and feelings that come with a new baby seem somehow exaggerated as a grandma.   I now realize even more than I even felt as a mom what is involved in raising a child. Hailey was 3 weeks old before we were able to travel to see her and so as I sat in church after she was born my eyes were glued to Presley, an adorable 8 month old little peanut who sat on my lap. That’s how this Grammy got her baby-fix for the day. Presley’s little eyes just drink in all that is going on around her. Her head bobs and turns as she tries not to miss a thing in her surroundings. She pauses to intently study each person and action she sees. As I watch her I am reminded of a song we sung in Children’s Church years ago. “Oh be careful little eyes what you see….” T...