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Showing posts from August, 2011

The Newlyweds

Just wanted to share a pic of the newlyweds! Such an awesome couple (even if I might be a little biased)! And a testimony to God's view of marriage. They had his wedding ring tattooed on. Marriage is a permanent relationship. Amazing how the husband-wife relationship can be reframed in our mind  when we take the "D" word out of our vocabulary. Or better yet, don't ever let it in in the first place. It may not always be "Happily Ever After" but with God's grace, it can be "Ever After".

Purpose in Parenting

Our kids are almost all grown now and often my mind reflects back on my job as a mom. While there is laundry load of things I would do differently if given the opportunity, I am grateful to my Father for His grace in the task.   A while back an ad on the Yahoo home page for the Chevy Traverse claimed to have the answer to one of the biggest parental headaches. It showed a brother and sister in a car.   He was irritating her and she had this attitude and of course got upset.   Over and over….You’ve probably experienced this scene as many moms have in their own cars. Then the traverse shows up in shining armor and they can now sit separately.   The caption says “Finally You Can Separate Them.”   The idea is that more space will fix the problem.   Keeping them away from each other will result in sudden family harmony. And it might. But what would it profit them?   What would they learn?   What character trait would it grow in them?   And mor...

Live to Praise

I have been praying and asking and waiting…and praying and asking and waiting...(with the occasional whining mixed in)…and yet still I sit. The For Sale sign outside my house sits as well. A friend’s house that is for sale showed yesterday. Today our son and his wife’s house will show at 9:30. And ours sits. Its hard not to be envious. Its hard not to get bitter or desperate.   I am glad for our friends and kids, they need to sell their homes too, but I feel left behind. As I sit here praying this morning, a verse I have scribbled at the top of my prayer list catches my eye. Psalm 119:164, “Seven times a day I praise you for your righteous laws.” The praise I give too often tends to come from what God does for me. “Thank you for that great parking spot on a rainy day…Thanks for a safe trip…Praise God for that pay raise…” Not bad things to give thanks for, but the Psalmist doesn’t look for what God does but at Who He is and His righteous laws. This totally takes the “me” out...