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Showing posts from June, 2011

Percolating In My Soul

My girls and I traveled to Kara’s home. (Kara will soon be one of my girls too, yea!) Knowing we only had that night to visit and part of the next day, no one wanted to go to bed and end the fun. We stayed up way past bed time and into the morning discussing wedding plans and invitation design with the kids. I relished each minute, ignoring my body’s plea for sleep. But it’s all fun and games until there’s no coffee. After readying my sleepy self the next morning, I headed to the kitchen looking forward to a nice cup (or three) of coffee. Coffee always fixes my morning sleepy head. No coffee? What kind of people are they? What kind of people don’t drink coffee? What kind of people don’t have coffee in the house? Heathens? Must be. I know God likes coffee; He and I meet over a steaming cup each morning. What now? I need my starter fluid…I need coffee! I tried to play it cool on the outside. I didn’t want anyone thinking I was addicted or anything…. (Oh, by the way, do not let my h...

Spiritual Earthquake

The recent excitement that was stirred up around May 21 has many people talking and I have to say that I am rather enjoying it. I know many believers are angry at Harold Camping, but at the same time I think we need to guard our own hearts from bitterness and slander or we too will give a negative impression of Christ to the world. Is there a mar on the face of Christianity because of the wrong prediction? Yes, but I would like to point out that what Satan intends to harm Christianity; God can use to bring glory to Him and souls into His kingdom. In response to his wrong timing, Mr. Camping claims he misunderstood the Word. He says it was not a physical earthquake, but a spiritual earthquake. On this point, I think I can agree with him. He stirred up a spiritual earthquake. At Impact (youth center) I fielded many questions about the end of the world. Point blank questions like the kind straight out of an evangelistic training manual. In the span of 2 days, May 20 and 21, I was ab...

The Meaning Behind the Title

Titling a blog is no easy task. To convey ones heart in a short, catchy grouping of words is difficult. But behind every blog title there is a story and so it is with mine. I enjoy reading about how others came up with their titles; and it is time I share my story. The battle of fighting the flesh requires daily focus. Preparation. A battle plan. I don’t know about you (though I could make an educated guess) but my number one battle is fought in the area of selfishness. I want…. I need… I have to have… I like… I hate… I can… I can’t… I will…. I won’t… I must… Expectations I place on others… expectations I place on circumstances… and expectations I place on God. My flesh naturally is drawn to magnify me. To get the best for me. To make it easiest for me. To show my best side. To manipulate others to like me. Self-important, self-seeking, self-centered. A universe is created, dedicated to ME and it’s all too often where I reside until God pulls me away and into the truth. The truth i...