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Showing posts from May, 2010

Just Call Me Frank

Just Call Me Frank I love shopping. I really believe it is my spiritual gift. Ok, so maybe not, but a girl can dream, can’t she? Impulse buying…..every girl has learned her lesson in this one. You know…. That hot pink pair of boots you loved in the department store but wouldn’t be caught dead in at the grocery store… so they sit in the back of your closed gathering dust. Sometimes we take a refresher course in that lesson.  In a thrift store (yes, I love all kinds of shopping, mall, thrift, even pawn and rummage … just give me shopping or give me death!) I picked up a mug . (I have a thing for mugs, but that is another story all together- maybe I will share that with you sometime, but you have to promise not to judge my twisted mind…) O.K. back to the mug- it was handmade… olive and taupe…. Rugged yet a bit refined with a perfect texture and feel…. It had to go home with me… I quickly made my purchase and went blissfully on my way. At home that night, as I unwrapped my...

Life in Pursuit

A certain nervous anticipation runs through my fingers as they dance on the keys. My goal of starting a blog in January was pushed aside by the necessities and urgencies of life, but finally, it is time. The feeling is much like the proud accomplishment I felt as a child presenting a "book" to my mom, a "book" I had written, illustrated and bound with yarn. I've grown beyond the crayon drawings and yarn bindings, and the desire to write has grown as well. I pray this blog will encourage and inspire you to live differently. "Make My Life Song Sing to You." Each time I hear those words in the song by Casting Crowns, my heart leaps. I know that is the purpose of my life. The purpose of life for all Believers. The hard part comes when we must live in a society filled with messages shouting the opposite. The pull is to make our lives sing to ourselves. "Have it your way"... "Me-time"..."Do something for yourself"....